List of Publications Prof. Dr. Walter Horst


  • Geng, X., Horst, W.J., Golz, J.F., Lee, J.E., Ding, Z., Yang, Z.-B. (2017): LEUNIG_HOMOLOG transcriptional co-repressor mediates aluminium sensitivity through METHYLESTERASE46-modulated root cell wall pectin methylesterification in Arabidopsis.The Plant Journal, 1-14.
  • Köslin-Findeklee, F., Horst, W.J. (2016): Contibution of nitrogen uptake and retranslocation during reproductive growth to the nitrogen effiency of winter oilseed-rape cultivars (Brassica napus L.) differing in leaf senescence.Agronomy 6, 1.
    DOI: 10.3390/agronomy6010001
  • Zhang, M., Horst, W.J., Yang, Z.-B. (2016): Spatial-temporal analysis of polyethylene glycol-reduced Aluminium accumulation and XET action in root tips of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)Annals of Botany 118, 1-9.
    DOI: 10.1093/aob/mcw062
  • Klug, B., Kirchner, T.W. and Horst, W.J. (2015): Differences in Aluminium Accumulation and Resistance between Genotypes of the Genus FagopyrumAgronomy, 5, 418-434
    DOI: doi:10.3390/agronomy5030418
  • Klug, K., Hogekamp, C., Specht, A., Shwe Myint, S., Blöink, D., Küster, H., Horst, W.J. (2015): Spatial gene expression analysis in tomato hypocotyls suggests cysteine as key precursor of vascular sulfur accumulation implicated in Verticillium dahliae defensePhysiologia Plantarum 153, 253–268
  • Koeslin-Findeklee, F., Becker, M.A., van der Graaff, E., Roitsch, T. and Horst, W.J. (2015): Differences between winter oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) cultivars in nitrogen starvation-induced leaf senescence are governed by leaf-inherent rather than root-derived signalsJournal of Experimental Botany, Vol. 66, No. 13 pp. 3669–3681.
    DOI: doi:10.1093/jxb/erv170
  • Koeslin-Findeklee, F., Rizi, V.S., Becker, M.A., Parra-Londono, S., Arif, M., Balazadeh, S., Mueller-Roeber, B., Kunze, R., Horst, W.J. (2015): Transcriptomic analysis of nitrogen starvation- and cultivar-specific leaf senescence in winter oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.)Plant Sci. 233, 174-185
  • Ulas, A., Behrens, T., Wiesler, F., Horst, W.J., Schulte auf'm Erley, G. (2015): Defoliation affects seed yield but not N uptake and growth rate in two oilseed rape cultivars differing in post-flowering N uptake.Field Crops Res. 179, 1-5
  • Koeslin-Findeklee, F., Meyer, A,. Gierke, A., Beckmann, K., Horst, W.J. (2014): The superior nitrogen efficiency of winter oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) hybrids is not related to delayed nitrogen starvation-induced leaf senescence Plant Soil 384, 347-362
  • Smit, I., Pfliehinger, M., Binner, A., Großmann, M., Horst, W.J., Löhnertz, O. (2014): Nitrogen fertilisation increases biogenic amines and amino acid concentrations in Vitis vinifera var, Riesling musts and winesJ. Sci. Food Agric. 94, 2064-2072
  • Yang, Z.-B., Geng, X., He, C., Zhang, F., Qwang, R., Horst, W.J., Ding, Z. (2014): TAA1-Regulated Local Auxin Biosynthesis in the Root-Apex Transition Zone Mediates the Aluminum-Induced Inhibition of Root Growth in ArabidopsisThe Plant Cell 26. 2889-2904
  • Bollig, K., Specht, A., Myint, S. S., Zahn, M., Horst, W. J. (2013): Sulphur supply impairs spread of Verticillium dahliae in tomatoEuropean Journal of Plant Pathology 135, 81-96
  • Ulas, A., Behrens, T., Wiesler, F., Horst, W.J., Schulte auf’m Erley, G. (2013): Does genotypic variation in nitrogen remobilisation efficiency contribute to nitrogen efficiency of winter oilseed-rape cultivars (Brassica napus L.)?Plant Soil 371, 463-471
  • Yang, Z.-B., Eticha, D., Führs, H., Dimitri Heintz, D., Ayoub, D., Van Dorsselaer, A. Schlingmann, B., Rao, I.M., Braun, H.-P., Horst, W.J (2013): Proteomic and phosphoproteomic analysis of polyethylene glycol-induced osmotic stress in root tips of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)J. Exp. Bot. 64, 5569-5586
  • Yang, Z.-B., Rao, I.M., Horst, W.J. (2013): Interaction of aluminium and drought stress on root growth and crop yield on acid soils.Marschner Review, Plant Soil 372, 3-25
  • Führs, H., Specht, A., Erban, A., Kopka, J., Horst, W.J. (2012): Functional associations between the metabolome and manganese tolerance in Vigna unguiculataJournal of Experimental Botany Vol. 63, No. 1, pp 329-340
  • The, C., Meka, S.S., Ngonkeu, E.L.M., Bell, J.M., Mafouasson, H.A., Menkir, A., Calba, H., Zonkeng, C., Atemkeng, M., Horst, W.J. (2012): Maize grain yield response to changes in acid soil characteristics with yearly leguminous crop rotation, fallow, slash, burn and liming practicesInt. J. of Plant & Soil Science 1(1), 1-15
  • Ulas, A., Schulte auf´m Erley, G., Kamh, M., Wiesler, F., Horst, W.J. (2012): Root-growth characteristics contributing to genotypic variation in nitrogen efficiency of oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.)J. Plant Nutr. Soil Sci., 175, 489-498
  • Worku, M., Bänziger, M., Schulte auf´m Erley, G., Friesen, D., Diallo, A.O., Horst, W.J. (2012): Nitrogen efficiency as related to dry matter partitioning and root system size in tropical mid-altitude maize hybrids under different levels of nitrogen stressField Crops Research 130, 57-67
  • Yang, Z.-B., Eticha, D., Albacete, A., Rao, I.M., Roitsch, T., Horst, W.J. (2012): Physiological and molecular analysis of the interaction between aluminium toxicity and drought stress in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris)J. Exp. Botany 63, 8, 3109-3125
  • Heine, G., Max, J.F.J., Führs, H., Moran-Puente, D.W., Heintz, D., Horst, W.J. (2011): Effect of manganese on the resistance of tomato to Pseudocercospora fuligenaJ. Plant Nutr. Soil Sci. 174, 827-836
  • Klug, B., Specht, A., Horst, W.J. (2011): Aluminium localisation in root tips of the aluminium-accumulating plant species buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum Moench)Journal of Experimental Botany Vol. 62, No. 15, pp. 5453-5462
  • Rao, I., Miles, J., Wenzl, P., Louw-Gaume, A., Cardoso, J. A., Ricaurte, J., Polonia, J., Rincon, J., Hoyos, V., Frossard, E., Wagatsuma, T., Horst, W.J. (2011): Mechanisms of adaptation of brachiariagrasses to abiotic stress factors in the tropicsProceedings of the III International Symposium on Forage Breeding, November 7th to 11th, 2011 / Bonito, MS / Brazil, ISBN 978-85-297-0254-4
  • Reyes-Diaz, M., Merino-Gergichevich, C., Alarcon, E., Alberdi, M., Horst, W.J. (2011): Calcium sulfate ameliorates the effect of aluminium toxicity differentially in genotypes of highbush blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum L.)J. Soil Sci. Plant Nutr. 11, 59-78
  • Schulte auf´m Erley, G., Behrens, T., Ulas, A., Wiesler, F., Horst, W.J (2011): Agronomic traits contributing to nitrogen efficiency of winter oilseed rape cultivarsField Crops Research 124, 114-123
  • WANG, Y., SPECHT, A., HORST, W.J. (2011): Stable isotope labelling and zinc distribution in grains studied by laser ablation ICP-MS in an ear culture system reveals zinc transport barriers during grain filling in wheat.New Phytologist 189, 428-437.
  • Yang, Z.-B., Eticha, D., Rotter, B., Rao, I.M., Horst, W.J. (2011): Physiological and molecular analysis of polyethyleneglycol-induced reduction of aluminium accumulation in the root tips of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris)New Phytologist 192, 99-113
  • Zahn, M., Teuber, F., Bollig, K., Horst, W.J. (2011): Quantification of Pseudocercospora fuligena in tomato lines carrying introgressions from Solanum habrochaites using a qPCR assay.Plant Disease (Posted online on 14. Dec. 2010, First Look).
  • CAKMAK, I, KALAYCI, M., KAYA, Y., TORUN, A.A., AYDIN, N., WANG, Y., ARISOY, Z., ERDEM, H., YAZICI, A., GOKMEN, O., OZTURK, L., HORST, W.J. (2010): Biofortification and localization of zinc in wheat grain.J. Agric. Food Chem. 58, 9092-9102.
  • ETICHA, D., ZAHN, M., BREMER, M, YANG, Z, RANGEL, A.F., RAO, I.M., HORST, W.J. (2010): Transcriptomic analysis reveals differential gene expression in response to aluminium in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) genotypes.Ann. Bot. 105, 1119-1128.
  • FÜHRS, H., BEHRENS, CH., GALLIEN, S., HEINTZ, D., VAN DORSSELAER, A., BRAUN, H.-P., HORST, W.J. (2010): Physiological and proteomic characterization of Mn sensitivity and Mn tolerance in rice (Oryza sativa L.) in comparison to barley (Hordeum vulgare L.).Ann. Bot. 105, 1129-1140.
  • HORST, W.J., WANG, Y., ETICHA, D. (2010): The role of the root apoplast in aluminium-induced inhibition of root elongation and in aluminium resistance of plants a review.Ann. Bot. 106, 185-197.
  • KLUG, B., HORST , W.J. (2010): Oxalate exudation into the root-tip water free space confers protection from aluminium toxicity and allows aluminium accumulation in the symplast in buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum).New Phytologist 187, 380-391.
  • KLUG, B., HORST, W.J. (2010): Spatial characteristics of aluminium uptake and translocation in roots of buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum Moench).Physiol Plant. Physiologia Plantarum 139, 181-191.
  • Rangel, A.F., Rao, I.M., Braun, H.-P., Horst, W.J. (2010): Aluminium resistance in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) involves induction and maintenance of citrate exudation from root apices.Physiologia Plantarum 138, 176-190.
  • SCHULTE AUF‘M ERLEY, G., AMBEBE, T.F., WORKU, M , BÄNZIGER, M., HORST, W.J. (2010): Photosynthesis and leaf-nitrogen dynamics during leaf senescence of tropical maize cultivars in hydroponics in relation to N efficiency in the field.Plant Soil 330, 313-328.
  • YANG, Z.-B., ETICHA, D., RAO, I.M., HORST, W.J. (2010): Alteration of cell-wall porosity is involved in osmotic stress-induced 3 enhancement of aluminium resistance in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.).Exp. Bot. 61, 3245-3258.
  • FUEHRS, H., HARTWIG, M., BUITRAGO , MOLINA, L.E, HEINTZ, D., VAN DORSSELAER, A., BRAUN, H.-P., HORST, W.J. (2009): Early manganese-toxicity response in Vigna unguiculata L. - a proteomic and transcriptomic study.Proteomics 8, 149-159.
  • FÜHRS, H., GÖTZE, S., SPECHT, A., ERBAN, A., GALLIEN, S., HEINTZ, D., VAN DORSSELAER, A., KOPKA, J., BRAUN, H.-P., HORST, W.J. (2009): Characterization of leaf apoplastic peroxidases and metabolites in Vigna unguiculata in response to toxic manganese supply and silicon.J. Exp. Bot. 60, 1663-1678.
  • LIEBISCH, F., MAX, J.F.J., HEINE, G., HORST, W.J. (2009): Blossom-end rot and fruit cracking of tomato grown in net-covered greenhouses in Central Thailand can partly be corrected by calcium and boron sprays.J. Plant Nutr. Soil Sci. 172, 140-150.
  • MAX, J.F.J., HORST, W.J. (2009): Influence of night-time electrical conductivity of substrate solution on fruit cracking and blossom-end rot of greenhouse tomato in the tropics.J. Plant Nutr. Soil Sci. 172, 829-838. Published online DOI 10.1002/jpln.200900070.
  • MAX, J.F.J., HORST, W.J., MUTWIWA, U.N., TANTAU, H.-J. (2009): Effects of greenhouse cooling method on growth, fruit yield and quality of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) in a tropical climate.Sciencia Horticulturae 122, 179-186.
  • Max, J.F.J., Horst, W.J., Mutwiwa, U.N., Tantau, H.J. (2009): Effects of greenhouse cooling method on growth, fruit yield and quality of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) in a tropical climate.Scientia Horticulturae 122, 179-186.
  • RANGEL, A.F. RAO, I.M., HORST, W.J. (2009): Intracellular distribution and binding state of aluminum in root apices of two common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) genotypes in relation to Al toxicity.Physiol. Plantarum 135, 162-173.
  • RYAN, P.R., RAMAN, H., GUPTA, S. , HORST, W.J., DELHAIZE, M. (2009): A second mechanism for aluminium resistance in wheat relies on constitutive efflux of citrate from roots.Plant Physiol. 149, 340-351.
  • SCHULTE AUF‘M ERLEY, G, DEWI, E.R., NIKUS, O., HORST, W.J. (2009): Genotypic differences in nitrogen efficiency of white cabbage (Brassica oleracea L.).Plant Soil online DOI 10.1007/s11104-009-0111-1.
  • STASS, A.., SMIT, I.., ETICHA, D.., OETTLER, G., HORST, W.J. (2008): The significance of organic anion exudation for the aluminum resistance of primary triticale derived from wheat and rye parents differing in aluminum resistance.J. Plant Nutr. Soil Sci 171, 134-142.
  • WORKU, M., BÄNZINGER, M., FRIESEN, D., SCHULTE AUF’M ERLEY, G., HORST, W.J., VIVEK, B.S. (2008): Relative importance of general combining ability and specific combining ability among tropical maize (Zea mays L.) inbreds under contrasting nitrogen environments.Maydica 53, 279-288.
  • FECHT-CHRISTOFFERS, M.M., MAIER, P., IWASAKI, K., BRAUN, H.-P., HORST, W.J. (2007): The role of the leaf apoplast in manganese toxicity and tolerance in cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L., Walp).In Sattelmacher, B. and Horst, W.J. The apoplast of higher plants compartment of storage, transport, and reactions. Springer Verlag, pp 307-321. ISBN 978-1-4020-5842-4.
  • HEINE, G., TIKUM, G., HORST, W.J. (2007): The effect of silicon on the infection by and spread of Phythium aphanidermatum in single roots of tomato and bitter gourd.J. Exp. Bot. 58, 569-577.
  • HORST, W.J., KOLLMEIER, M., SCHMOHL, N., SIVAGURU, M., WANG, Y., FELLE, H.H., HEDRICH, R., SCHRÖDER, W., STAß, A. (2007): Significance of the root apoplast for aluminium toxicity and resistance of maize.In Sattelmacher, B. and Horst, W.J. The apoplast of higher plants compartment of storage, transport, and reactions. Springer Verlag, pp 49-66. ISBN 978-1-4020-5842-4.
  • JEMO, M., ABAIDOO, R.C., NOLTE, C., HORST, W.J. (2007): Aluminium resistance of cowpea as affected by phosphorus-deficiency stress.J. Plant Physiol. 164, 442-451.
  • Oikeh, S.O., Chude, V.O., Kling, J.G., Horst, W.J. (2007): Comparative productivity of nitrogen-use efficient and nitrogen-inefficient maize cultivars and traditional grain sorghum in the moist savanna of West Africa.Af. J. Agri. Res. 2(3), 112-118
  • RANGEL, A.F. , RAO, I.M., HORST, W.J. (2007): Spatial aluminium sensitivity of root apices of two common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) genotypes with contrasting aluminium resistance.J. Exp. Bot. 58, 3895-3904.
  • SCHULTE AUF'M ERLEY, G., BEGUM, N., WORKU, M., BÄNZIGER, M., HORST, W.J. (2007): Leaf senescence induced by nitrogen deficiency as indicator of genotypic differences in nitrogen efficiency in tropical maize.J. Plant Nutr. Soil Sci. 170, 106-114.
  • SCHULTE AUF‘M ERLEY, G., WIJAYA, K.-A., ULAS, A., BECKER, H., WIESLER, F., HORST, W. J. (2007): Leaf senescence and N uptake parameters as selection traits for nitrogen efficiency of oilseed rape cultivars.Physiol. Plant. 139, 519-531.
  • STASS, A., KOTUR, Z., HORST, W.J. (2007): Effect of boron on the expression of aluminium toxicity in Phaseolus vulgaris.Physiol. Plant. 131, 283-290.
  • WORKU, M., BÄNZIGER, M., SCHULTE AUF´M ERLEY, G., FRIESEN, D., DIALLO, A.O., HORST, W.J. (2007): Nitrogen Uptake and Utilization in Contrasting Nitrogen Efficient Tropical Maize Hybrids.Crop Sci. 47, 519-528.
  • FECHT-CHRISTOFFERS, M.M, FÜHRS, H., BRAUN, H.-P., HORST, W.J. (2006): The role of H2O2-producing and H2O2-consuming peroxidases in the leaf apoplast of Vigna unguiculata L. in manganese tolerance.Plant Physiol. 140, 1451-1463.
  • HORST, W.J., ETICHA, D. KAMH, M., WANG, Y., STIVAL DA SILVA, A.L., STASS, A. (2006): Identification and characterization of aluminium-resistant, phosphorus-efficient plant genotypes adapted to tropical acid soils.In IAEA Management practices for improving sustainable crop production in tropical acid soils. Proceedings Series, pp 111-135.
  • JEMO, M., ABAIDOO, R.C., NOLTE, C., TCHIENKOUA, M., SANGINGA, N., HORST, W.J. (2006): Phosphorus benefits from grain-legume crops to subsequent maize grown on acid soils of southern Cameroon.Plant Soil (accepted).
  • JEMO, M., ABAIDOO, R.C., NOLTE, Ch., HORST, W.J. (2006): Genotypic variation for phosphorus uptake and dinitrogen fixation in cowpea on low-phosphorus soils of southern Cameroon.J. Plant Nutr. Soil Sci. 169, 816-825.
  • SIVAGURU, M., HORST, W.J., ETICHA, D., MATSUMOTO, H. (2006): Aluminium inhibits apoplastic flow of high-molecular weight solutes in root apices of Zea mays<(i> L.J. Plant Nutr. Soil Sci. 169, 679-690.
  • STASS, A., WANG, Y., ETICHA, D., HORST, W.J. (2006): Aluminium rhizotoxicity in maize grown in solutions with Al3+ or Al(OH)4 as predominant solution Al spezies.J. Exp. Bot. 57, 4033-4042.
  • THE, Ch., CALBA, H., ZONKENG, C., NGONKEU, E.L., ADETIMIRIN, V.O., MAFOUASSON, H.A., MEKA, S.S., HORST, W.J. (2006): Responses of maize grain yield to changes in acid soil characteristics after soil amendments.Plant Soil 284, 45-57.
  • THE, Ch., MAFOUASSON,H., CALBA, H., MBOUMBOUE, P., ZONKENG, C., TAGNE, A., HORST, W.J. (2006): Identification de groupes hétérotiques pour la tolérance du mais (Zea mays L.) aux sols acides des tropiques.Cahiers Agricultures vol. 15 no 4 juillet-août.
  • Worku, M., Bänziger, M., Friesen, D., Schulte auf'm Erley, G., Diallo, A.O., Vivek, B.S., Horst, W.J. (2006): Protein quantity and quality, and agronomic performance of quality protein maize and normal endosperm maize under different levels of nitrogen. Sebil Vol. 12, 156-169
  • ETICHA, D., STAß, A., HORST, W.J. (2005): Cell-Wall Pectin and Its Degree of Methylation in the Maize Root-Apex Significance for Genotypic Differences in Aluminium Resistance.Plant Cell Env. (in press).
  • ETICHA, D., STAß, A., HORST, W.J. (2005): Localization of aluminium in the maize root apex Can morin detect cell wall-bound aluminium? J.Exp. Botany 56,1351-1357.
  • ETICHA, D., THÉ, C., WELCKER, C., NARRO, L., STAß, A., HORST, W.J. (2005): Aluminium-induced callose formation in root apices inheritance and selection trait for adaptation of tropical maize to acid soils.Field Crops Res. 93, 252-263.
  • FECHT-CHRISTOFFERS, M.M., HORST, W.J. (2005): Does apoplastic ascorbic acid enhance manganese tolerance of Vigna unguiculata and Phaseolus vulgaris?.J. Plant Nutr. Soil Sci. 168, 590-599.
  • HEINE, G., TIKUM, G., HORST, W.J. (2005): Silicon nutrition of tomato and bitter gourd with special emphasis on silicon distribution in root fractions.J. Plant Nutr. Soil Sci. 168, 600-606.
  • KAMH, M., WIESLER, F., ULAS, A., HORST, W.J. (2005): Root growth and N-uptake activity of oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) cultivars differing in nitrogen efficiency.J. Plant Nutr. Soil Sci. 168, 1-8.
  • RANGEL, A.F., MOBIN, M., RAO, I.M., HORST, W.J. (2005): Proton toxicity interferes with the screening of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) genotypes for aluminium resistance in nutrient solution.J. Plant Nutr. Soil Sci. (in press).
  • STIVAL DA SILVA, A.L., SPERLING, P., HORST, W.J., FRANKE, S., OTT, C., BECKER, D., STAß, A., LÖRZ, H., HEINZ, E. (2005): A possible role of sphingolipids in the aluminium resistance of yeast and maize. J. Plant Physiol. (in press).
  • WELCKER, C., THE, C., ANDREAU, B., DE LEON, C., PARENTONI, S.N., BERNAL, J., FÉLICITÉ, J., ZONKENG, C., SALAZAR, F., NARRO, L., CHARCOSSET, A., HORST, W.J. (2005): Heterosis and Combining Ability for Maize Adaptation to Tropical Acid Soils Implications for Future Breeding Strategies.Crop Sci. 45, 2405-2413.
  • WANG, Y., STAß, A., HORST, W.J. (2004): Apoplastic binding of aluminum is involved in silicon-induced amelioration of aluminum toxicity in Maize.Plant Physiol. 136, 3762-3770.
  • FECHT-CHRISTOFFERS, M.M., BRAUN, H.-P., LEMAITR_GULLIER, C., VAN DORSSELAER, A., HORST, W.J. (2003): Effect of manganese toxicity on the proteome of the leaf apoplast in cowpea (Vigna unguiculata).Plant Physiol. 133, 1935-1946.
  • FECHT-CHRISTOFFERS, M.M., MAIER, P. and HORST, W.J. (2003): Apoplastic peroxidases and ascorbate are involved in manganese toxicity and tolerance of Vigna unguiculata.Physiol. Plant. 117, 237-244.
  • NAUMANN, A., HORST, W.J. (2003): Effect of aluminium supply on aluminium uptake, translocation, and blueing of Hydrangea macrophylla (Thunb.) Ser. cultivars in a peat-clay substrate.Journal of Horticultural Science & Biotechnology 78, 463-469.
  • COLLET, L., DE LEON, C., KOLLMEIER, M., SCHMOHL, N., HORST, W.J. (2002): Assessment of aluminium sensitivity of maize cultivars using roots of intact plants and excised root tips.J. Plant Nutr. Soil Sci. 165, 357-365.
  • IWASAKI, K., MAIER, P., FECHT, M., HORST, W.J. (2002): Influence of the apoplastic silicon concentration on the manganese tolerance of Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.).J. Plant Physiol. 159, 167-173.
  • IWASAKI, K., MAIER, P., FECHT, M., HORST, W.J. (2002): Effects of silicon supply on apoplastic manganese concentrations in leaves and their relation to manganese tolerance in cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.).Plant Soil 238, 281-288.
  • KAMH, M., ABDOU, M., CHUDE, V., WIESLER, F., HORST, W.J. (2002): Mobilization of phosphorus contributes to positive rotational effects of leguminous cover crops on maize grown on soils from northern Nigeria.J. Plant Nutr. Soil Sci. 165, 566-572.
  • SCHMOHL, N., HORST, W.J. (2002): Effect of aluminium on the activity of acid phosphatase and the exudation of macromolecules by roots and suspension-culture cells of Zea mays L. Journal of Plant Physiol. 159, 1213-1218.
  • Bauer,M. Reusch, S., Engels, T., Wiesler, F. (2001): Remote sensing - a tool for site-specific N management in sugar beet production without impacts on technicsl beet quality?In: Horst et al.(Eds.): Plant Nutrition - Food Security and sustainability of agro-ecosystems through basic and applied research, 338-339, Kluwer.
  • HORST, W.J., KAMH, M., JIBRIN, J.M., CHUDE, V.O. (2001): Agronomic measures for increasing P availability to crops.Plant Soil 237, 211-223.
  • KOLLMEIER, M., DIETRICH, P., BAUER, C.S., HORST, W.J., HEDRICH, R. (2001): Aluminium activates a citrate-permeable anion channel in the Al-sensitive zone of the maize root apex a comparison between an Al-sensitive and an Al-resistant cultivar.Plant Physiol. 126, 397-410.
  • Schmol, N., Horst, W.J. (2001): Cell-wall composition mosulates aluminium toxicity. In: Horst et al.(Eds.): Plant Nutrition - Food Security and sustainability of agro-ecosystems through basic and applied research, 262-263, Kluwer.
  • WIESLER, F., BEHRENS, T., HORST, W.J. (2001): The role of nitrogen-efficient cultivars in sustainable agriculture.In Optimizing nitrogen management in food and energy production and environmental protection Proceedings of the 2nd International Nitrogen Conference on Science and Policy. The Scientific World 1.
  • KOLLMEIER, M., FELLE, H.H., HORST, W.J. (2000): Genotypical differences in Al resistance of Zea mays (L.) are expressed in the distal part of the transition zone. Is reduced basipetal auxin flow involved in inhibition of root elongation by Al? Plant Physiol. 122, 945-956.
  • MARIENFELD, S. , SCHMOHL, N., KLEIN, M., SCHRÖDER, W.H., KUHN, A.J., HORST, W.J. (2000): Localisation of aluminium in root tips of Zea mays and Vicia faba.J. Plant Physiol. 156, 666-671.
  • OETTLER, G., WIETHÖLTER, S., HORST, W.J. (2000): Genetic parameters for agronomic traits of triticale and other small grain cereals grown on aluminium-toxic soil in southern Brazil.Journal of Plant Breeding 119, 227-231.
  • SCHMOHL, N. , HORST, W.J. (2000): Cell-wall pectin-content modulates aluminium sensitivity of Zea mays L. cells grown in suspension culture.Plant Cell and Environment 23, 735-742.
  • SCHMOHL, N., HORST, W.J. (2000): Pectin methylesterase modulates aluminium sensitivity in Zea mays and Solanum tuberosum.Physiol. Plant. 109, 419-427.
  • SIVAGURU, M., MATSUMOTO, H., HORST, W.J. (2000): Control of the response to aluminium stress.In Nick, P. (ed.) Plant microtubules potential for biotechnology. Springer Verlag, Berlin, ISBN 3-540-67105-6, 103-120.
  • WISSEMEIER, A., PÜSCHEL, A.-K., WEINHOLD, F., HORST, W.J. (2000): Effect of light regime on marginal bract necrosis in Poinsettia.Acta Hort. 519, 73-83.
  • YANG, Z., SIVAGURU, M., HORST, W. J., MATSUMOTO. H. (2000): Detoxification of aluminium achieved by specific exudation of citric acid in vegetable soybean (Glycine max L.).Physiol. Plant. 110, 72-77.
  • HORST, W.J., FECHT, M., NAUMANN, A., WISSEMEIER, A.H., MAIER, P. (1999): The physiology of manganese toxicity and tolerance in Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.Z. Pflanzenernähr. Bodenk. 162, 263-274.
  • HORST, W.J., SCHMOHL, N., KOLLMEIER; M., BALUSKA, F., SIVAGURU, M. (1999): Does aluminium affect root growth of maize through interaction with the cell wall - plasma membrane - cytoskeleton continuum? Plant and Soil 215, 163-174.
  • KAMH, M., HORST, W.J., AMER, F., MOSTAFA, H., MAIER, P. (1999): Mobilization of soil and fertilizer phosphate by cover crops.Plant and Soil 211, 19-27.
  • OIKEH, S.O., KLING, J.G., HORST, W.J., CHUDE, V.O., CARSKY, R.J. (1999): Growth and distribution of maize roots under nitrogen fertilization in plinthite soil.Field Crops Res. 62, 1-13.
  • RAO, I.M., FRIESEN, D.K, , HORST, W.J. , (1999): Opportunities for germplasm selection to influence phosphorus acquisition from low-phosphorus soils.Agroforestry Forum 9.4, 13-17.
  • SIVAGURU, S., BALUSKA, F., VOLKMANN, D., FELLE, H.H., HORST, W.J. (1999): Impacts of aluminium on cytoskeleton and morphological organization of the maize root apex.Plant Physiol. 119, 1073-1082.
  • OIKEH, S.O., CHUDE, V.O., CARSKY, R.J, , WEBER, G. K., HORST, W.J. (1998): Legume rotation in the moist tropical savanna managing soil nitrogen dynamics and cereal yields in farmers fields.Expt. Agric. 34, 73-83.
  • Sivaguru, M., Horst, W.J. (1998): The transition zone is the most aluminium-sensitive apical root zone of Zea mays L.Plant Physiol. 116, 155-163.
  • Horst, W.J., Püschel, A.-K., Schmohl, N. (1997): Induction of callose formation is a sensitive marker for genotypic aluminium sensitivity in maize.Plant and Soil 192, 23-30.
  • REIDENBACH, G., HORST, W.J. (1997): Nitrate-uptake capacity of different root zones of Zea Mays (L.) in vitro and in situ.Plant and Soil 196, 295-300
  • WIESLER, F., DICKMANN, J., HORST, W.J. (1997): Effects of nitrogen supply on growth and nitrogen uptake by Miscanthus sinensis during establishment.Z. Pflanzenernähr. Bodenk. 160, 25-31.
  • HORST, W.J., ABDOU, M., WIESLER, F. (1996): Differences between wheat cultivars in acquisition and utilization of phosphorus.Z. Pflanzenernähr. Bodenk. 159, 155-161.
  • HORST, W. J. (1995): The role of the apoplast in aluminium toxicity and resistence of higher plants.Z. Pflanzenernähr. Bodenk. 158, 419-428.
  • STAß, A., HORST, W.J. (1995): Effect of aluminium on membran properties of soybean (Glycine max) cells in suspension culture.Plant and Soil 171, 113-118.
  • STAß, A., HORST, W.J. (1995): Effect of aluminium on membran properties of soybean (Glycine max) cells in suspension culture.In: Date, R.A. et al (Eds.), Plant Soil Interactions at Low pH, 279-284, Kluwer Acad. Publ., The Netherlands
  • WISSEMEIER, A. H., HORST, W. J. (1995): Effect of calcium supply on aluminium-induced callose formation, its distribution and persistence in roots of soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) J.Plant Physiol. 145, 470-476.
  • Abd-El-Hamid, M.F., EL-Desouky, S.A., Horst, W.J., EL-Fouly, M.M., Nofal, O.M.A. (1994): Manganese translocation system and its role on early stages of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) growth.Annales of Agric. Sc. Moshtohor 32, 1823-1837.
  • HORST, W. J., HAERDTER, R. (1994): Crop rotation effect on yield and nutrient use of maize.Plant and Soil 160, 171-183.
  • LLUGANY, M., MASSOT, N., WISSEMEIER, A. H. POSCHENRIEDER, CH., HORST, W. J., BARCELO, J. (1994): Aluminium tolerance of maize cultivars as assessed by callose production and root elongation.Z. Pflanzenernähr. Bodenk. 157 447-451.
  • Llugany, M., Massot, N., Wissemeier, A.H., Poschenrieder, C., Horst, W.J., Barcel—, J. (1994): Aluminium tolerance of maize cultivars as assessed by callose production and root elongation.Z. Pflanzenernähr. Bodenk. 157, 447-451.
  • SATTELMACHER, B., HORST, W J., BECKER, H.C. (1994): Factors that contribute to genetic variation for nutrient efficiency of crop plants.Z. Pflanzenernähr. Bodenk. 157, 215-224.
  • WIESLER, F., W. J. HORST (1994): Root growth and nitrate utilization of maize cultivars under field conditions.Plant and Soil 163, 267-277.
  • WIESLER, F., W. J. HORST (1994): Root growth of maize cultivars under field conditions as studied by the core and minirhizotron method and relationships to shoot growth.Z. Pflanzenernähr. Bodenk. 157, 351-358.
  • HORST, W. J., ABDOU, M., WIESLER, F. (1993): Genotypic differences in phosphorus efficiency of wheat.Plant and Soil , 155/156, 293-296.
  • WIESLER, F., HORST, W. J. (1993): Differences among maize cultivars in the utilization of soil nitrate and the related losses of nitrate through leaching.Plant and Soil, 151, 193-203.
  • Wissemeier, A.H., Hergenröder, A., Mix-Wagner, G., Horst, W.J. (1993): Induction of callose formation by manganese in cell suspension culture and leaves of soybean (Glycine max L.). J. Plant Physiol. 142, 67-73.
  • Grauer, U., Horst, W.J. (1992): Modelling cation amelioration of aluminium phytotoxicity.Soil Sci. Sco. Am. J. 56, 166-172
  • Grauer, U., Horst, W.J. (1992): Comments on the calcium-aluminium balance (CAB).Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 55, 897-898
  • GRAUER, U.E., W. J. HORST (1992): Modelling cation amelioration of aluminium phytotoxicity.Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 56, 166-172.
  • HORST, W. J., ASHER, C.J. , WISSEMEIER, A.H., SZULKIEWICZ, P., CAKMAK, I. (1992): Short-term responses of soybean roots to aluminium.J.Plant Physiol. 140, 174-178.
  • HORST, W. J., CURRLE, C. , WISSEMEIER, A.H. , (1992): Differences in calcium efficiency between cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.) cultivars.Plant and Soil, 146, 45-54.
  • WIESLER, F., W. J. HORST , (1992): Differences between maize cultivars in yield formation, nitrogen uptake and associated depletion of soil nitrate.J. Agron. Crop Sci. 168, 226-237.
  • WISSEMEIER, A. H., W. J. HORST (1992): Effect of light intensity on manganese toxicity symptoms and callose formation in cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.).Plant and Soil 143, 299-309.
  • WISSEMEIER, A.H., DIENING, A. , HERGENRÖDER, A., HORST, W.J. (1992): Callose formation as parameter for assessing genotypical plant tolerance of aluminium and manganese.Plant and Soil 146, 67-75.
  • CAKMAK, I., W. J. HORST (1991): Effect of aluminium on lipid peroxidation, superoxide dismuatse, catalase, and peroxidase activities in root tips of soybean (Glycine max).Plant Physiol. 83, 463-468.
  • CAKMAK, I., W. J. HORST (1991): Effect of aluminium on net efflux of nitrate and potassium from root tips of soybean (Glycine max L.) J.Plant Physiol. 138, 400-403.
  • HÄRDTER, R., HORST, W. J. (1991): Nitrogen and phosphorus use in maize sole cropping and maize/cowpea mixed cropping systems on an Alfisol in the northern Guinea Savanna of Ghana.Biol. Fertil. Soils 10, 267-275.
  • HÄRDTER, R., HORST, W.J., SCHMIDT, G., FREY, E. (1991): Yields and Land-Use Efficiency of Maize-Cowpea Crop Rotation in Comparison to Mixed and Monocropping on an Alfisol in Northern Ghana.J. Agron. & Crop Sci. 166, 326-337.
  • WISSEMEIER, A. H. , HORST, W.J. (1991): Simplified Methods for Screening Cowpea Cultivars for Management Leaf-Tissue Tolerance.Crop Sci. 31, 435-439.
  • EL-BAZ, F. K., MAIER, P., WISSEMEIER, A. H., HORST, W. J. (1990): Uptake and distribution of manganese applied to leaves of Vicia faba (cv. Herzfreya) and Zea mays (cv. Regent) plants.Z. Pflanzenernähr. Bodenk. 153, 279-282.
  • GRAUER, U., HORST, W. J. (1990): Effect of pH and nitrogen source on aluminium tolerance of rye (Secale cereale L.) and yellow lupin (Lupinus luteus L.).Plant and Soil 127, 13-21.
  • HORST, W. J., KLOTZ, F., SZULKIEWICZ, P. (1990): Mechanical impedance increases aluminium tolerance of soybean (Glycine max L.) roots.Plant and Soil 124, 227-231.
  • HORST, W. J., KLOTZ, F., SZULKIEWICZ, P. (1990): Mechanical impedance increases aluminium tolerance of soybean (Glycine max L.) roots.In: van Beusichem (Ed.), Plant Nutrition - physiology and applications, 351-355, Kluwer Acad. Publ., The Netherlands
  • WISSEMEIER, A. H., HORST, W. J. (1990): Manganese oxidation - capacity of homogenates of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.) leaves differing in manganese tolerance.J. Plant Physiol. 136, 103-109.
  • HORST, W J. (1988): The physiology of manganese toxicity.In Graham, R.D. (ed), Manganese in plants and soil. Kluwer Acad. Publ. , 175-188.
  • KLOTZ, F., HORST, W. J. (1988): Effect of ammonium and nitrate-nitrogen nutrition on aluminium tolerance of soybean (Glycine max L.).Plant and Soil 111, 59-65.
  • KLOTZ, F., HORST, W. J. (1988): Genotypic differences in aluminium tolerance of soybean (Glycine max L.) as affected by ammonium and nitrate nitrogen nutrition.J. Plant Physiol. 132, 702-707.
  • HORST, W. J. (1987): Aluminium tolerance and calcium efficiency of cowpea genotypes.J. Plant Nutr. 10, 1121-1129.
  • HORST, W. J. , WASCHKIES, CH. (1987): Phosphatversorgung von Sommerweizen (Triticum aestivum L.) in Mischkultur mit Weißer Lupine (Lupinus albus L.).Z. Pflanzenernähr. Bodenk. 150, 1-8.
  • VAN STEVENINCK, R. F. M., VAN STEVENINCK, M. E., FERNANDO, D. R., GODBOLD, D. L., HORST, W. J., MARSCHNER, H. (1987): Identification of zinc-containing globules in roots of a zinc-tolerant ecotype of Deschampsia caespitosa.J. Plant. Nutr. 10, 1239-1246.
  • VAN STEVENINCK, R. F. M., VAN STEVENINCK, M. E., FERNANDO, D. R., HORST, W. J. und MARSCHNER, H (1987): Deposition of zinc phytate in globular bodies in roots of Deschampsia caespitosa ecotypes a detoxification mechanism ? J. Plant Physiol. 131, 247-257.
  • WISSEMEIER, A. H., KLOTZ, F. , HORST, W. J. (1987): Aluminium induced Callose Synthesis in Roots of Soybean (Glycine max L.).J. Plant Physiol. 129, 487-492.
  • WISSEMEIER, A. H., HORST, W. J. (1987): Callose deposition in leaves of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.) as a sensitive response to high Mn supply.Plant and Soil 102, 283-286.
  • HORST, W. J. , GÖPPEL, H. (1986): Aluminium-Toleranz von Ackerbohne (Vicia faba), Lupine (Lupinus lutens), Gerste (Hordeum vulgare) und Roggen (Secale cereale). II. Mineralstoffgehalte in Sproß und Wurzeln in Abhängigkeit vom Aluminium-Angebot.Z. Pflanzenernähr. Bodenk. 149, 94-109.
  • HORST, W. J. , GÖPPEL, H. (1986): Aluminium-Toleranz von Ackerbohne (Vicia faba), Lupine (Lupinus lutens), Gerste (Hordeum vulgare) und Roggen (Secale cereale). I. Sproß-Wurzelwachstum in Abhängigkeit von Aluminium-Angebot.Z. Pflanzenernähr. Bodenk. 149, 83-93.
  • MARSCHNER, H., R&ÖumlMHELD, V., HORST, W. J. , MARTIN, P. (1986): Root-induced changes in the rhizosphere Importance for the mineral nutrition of plants.Z. Pflanzenernähr. Bodenk. 149, 441-456.
  • HORST, W. J. (1985): Quick screening of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) genotypes for aluminium tolerance in an aluminium-treated acid soil.Z. Pflanzenernähr. Bodenk. 148, 335-348.
  • GODBOLD, D. L., HORST, W. J., COLLINS, J. C., THURMAN, D. A. , MARSCHNER, H. (1984): Accumulation of zinc and organic acids in roots of zinc tolerant and non-tolerant ecotypes of Deschampsia caespitosa.Z. Pflanzenphysiol. 116, 59-69.
  • GODBOLD, D. L., HORST, W. J., MARSCHNER, H., COLLINS, J. C. , THURMAN, D. A. (1983): Root growth and Zn uptake by two ecotypes of Deschampsia caespitosa as affected by high Zn concentrations.Z. Pflanzenphysiol. 112, 315-324.
  • HORST, W. J. (1983): Factors responsible for genotypic manganese tolerance in cowpea (Vigna unguiculata).Plant and Soil 72, 213-218.
  • HORST, W. J., WAGNER, A. , MARSCHNER, H. (1983): Effect of aluminium on root growth, cell-division rate and mineral elements contents in roots of Vigna unguiculata genotypes.Z. Pflanzenphysiol. 109, 95-103.
  • HORST, W. J. (1982): Quick screening of cowpeas genotypes for manganese tolerance during vegetative and reproductive growth.Z. Pflanzenernähr. Bodenk. 145, 423-435.
  • HORST, W. J., WAGNER, A. , MARSCHNER, H. (1982): Mucilage protects root meristems from Aluminium injuryZ. Pflanzenphysiol. 105, 435-444
  • HORST, W. J. (1980): Genotypische Unterschiede in der Mangan- Toleranz von Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata).Angew. Bot. 54, 377-392.
  • HORST, W. J. , MARSCHNER, H. (1978): Effect of silicon on manganese tolerance of bean plants (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) Plant and Soil 50, 287-303.
  • HORST, W. J. , MARSCHNER, H. (1978): Einfluß von Silizium auf den Bindungszustand von Mangan im Blattgewebe von Bohnen (Phaseolus vulgaris).Z. Pflanzenernähr. Bodenk. 141, 487-497.
  • HORST, W. J. , MARSCHNER, H. (1978): Symptome von Manganüberschuß bei Bohnen (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)Z. Pflanzenernähr. Bodenk. 141, 129-142.
  • HORST, W. J. , MARSCHNER, H. (1978): Effect of excessive manganese supply on uptake and translocation of calcium in bean plants (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)Z. Pflanzenphysiol. 87, 137-148.


  • Horst, W.J. (2014): Wege aus der Phosphor-Krise; Recycling und eine bessere Aufnahme von Nährstoffen im Fokus.In: Trendbuch Innovative Agrarwirtschaft 2014, 62-66
  • Ulas, A., Schulte auf´m Erley, G., Wiesler, F., Horst, W.J. (2011): Agronomic parameters that contribute to genotypic variation for nitrogen efficiency of oilseed rape1 st National Agriculture Congress and Exposition on behalf of Ali Numan Kirac with International Participation Türkei, 27.-30. April 2011
  • HORST, W.J., BEHRENS, T., HEUBERGER, H., KAMH, M., REIDENBACH, G., WIESLER, F. (2003): Genotypic differences in nitrogen use-efficiency in crop plants.In Lynch, J.M., Schepers, J.S., Ünver, I. (eds) Innovative soil-plant systems for sustainable agricultural production. pp 75-92. OECD. ISBN 92-64-09971-9, 51 2003 02 1 P.
  • KAMH, M., WIESLER, F., HORST W.J. (2003): Significance of root growth and activity for genotypic differences in nitrogen efficiency of rapeseed (Brassica napus L.): II. Root production and nitrate uptake by two cultivars.In Merbach, W., Hütsch, B.W., Wittenmeyer, L., Augustin, J. (eds). pp 32-40. Prozessregulation in der Rhizosphäre. 13. Borkheider Seminar zur ™kophysiologie des Wurzelraumes. Teubner Verlag Stuttgart. ISBN 3-519-00447-X.
  • KAMH, M., WIESLER, F., HORST W.J. (2003): Significance of root growth and activity for genotypic differences in nitrogen efficiency of rapeseed (Brassica napus L.): I. Estimation of root growth and nitrate-N uptake under field conditions.In Merbach, W., Hütsch, B.W., Wittenmeyer, L., Augustin, J. (eds). pp 23-31. Prozessregulation in der Rhizosphäre. 13. Borkheider Seminar zur ™kophysiologie des Wurzelraumes. Teubner Verlag Stuttgart. ISBN 3-519-00447-X.
  • Rao, I., Wenzl, P., Chavez, A., Arango, A., ....., Horst, W.J. (2003): Advancesc in improving acid soil adaptiion of tropical crops and forages: the case of common bean and bracharia, CIAT, CAMBIA.
  • ALI-ZADE, V.M., SHIRVANI, T.S., SCHMOHL, N., ALIRZAYEVA, E.G., ANNAGIYEVA, M.A., FECHT, M., HORST, W.J. (2001): Changes in protein content and protease activity in roots of Zea mays (L.) in response to short-term aluminium treatment.In Horst, W.J. et al. (eds) Plant Nutrition - Food security and sustainability of agro-ecosystems. pp 518-519. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, ISBN 0-7923-7105-4.
  • BEHRENS, T., HORST, W.J., WIESLER, F. (2001): Effect of rate, timing and form of nitrogen application on yield formation and nitrigen balance in oilseed rape production.In Horst, W.J. et al. (eds) Plant Nutrition - Food security and sustainability of agro-ecosystems. pp 800-801. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, ISBN 0-7923-7105-4.
  • BEHRENS, T., WIESLER, F., HORST, W.J. (2001): Die Bedeutung von Blattverlusten während der reproduktiven Wachstumsphase für die Ertragsbildung und N-Bilanz von Winterrapssorten. Kongreßband 2000, VDLUFA-Schriftenreihe 55/2000, 104-107.
  • COLLET, L. , HORST, W.J. (2001): Characterisation of maize cultivars in their adaptation to acid soils on the single plant level.In Horst, W.J. et al (eds) Plant Nutrition - Food security and sustainability of agro-ecosystems. pp 86-87. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, ISBN 0-7923-7105-4.
  • COLLET, L., Horst, W.J. (2001): Effects of heterogeneous Al and P supply on root growth and screening of maize cultivars differing in Al resistance.In Horst, W.J. et al (eds) Plant Nutrition - Food security and sustainability of agro-ecosystems. pp 520-521. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Doerdrecht, The Netherlands, ISBN 0-7923-7105-4.
  • FECHT, M., MAIER, P., HORST, W.J. (2001): Peroxidase activity in the leaf apoplast is a sensitive marker for Mn toxicity and Mn tolerance in Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.In Horst, W.J. et al (eds) Plant Nutrition - Food security and sustainability of agro-ecosystems. pp 264-265. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, ISBN 0-7923-7105-4.
  • IWASAKI, K., FECHT, M., MAIER, P., HORST, W.J. (2001): Can leaf apoplastic manganese and silicon concentrations explain Si-enhanced manganese tolerance of Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp?In Horst, W.J. et al (eds) Plant Nutrition - Food security and sustainability of agro-ecosystems. pp 246-247. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, ISBN 0-7923-7105-4.
  • KAMH, M., ROPPEL, P., HORST, W.J. (2001): Exudation of organic acid anions by different maize cultivars as affected by phosphorus deficiency and aluminium toxicity.In Horst, W.J. et al (eds) Plant Nutrition - Food security and sustainability of agro-ecosystems. pp 490-491. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, ISBN.
  • KLEIN, M., HORST, W.J. (2001): Cation-specific exchange capacity of cell wall material isolated from roots of plant species differing in Al resistance.In Horst, W.J. et al (eds) Plant Nutrition - Food security and sustainability of agro-ecosystems. pp 266-267. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, ISBN 0-7923-7105-4.
  • KOLLMEIER, M., HORST, W.J. (2001): Aluminium-induced exudation of citrate from the root tip of Zea mays (L.): Are differential impacts of Al on citrate metabolism involved in genotypic differences?In Horst, W.J. et al (eds) Plant Nutrition - Food security and sustainability of agro-ecosystems. pp 492-493. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, ISBN 0-7923-7105-4.
  • LICKFETT, T., BEHRENS, T., ULAS, A., HORST, W., WIESLER, F. (2001): Lösen N-effiziente Genotypen kurzfristig das Nitratproblem nach Raps? Kongreßband 2000, VDLUFA-Schriftenreihe 57/2001, 1-4.
  • NAUMANN, A., KUNZ, U., LEHMANN, H., STELZER, R., HORST, W.J. (2001): Effect of aluminium on root morphology of Hydrangea macrophylla.In Horst, W.J. et al. (eds) Plant Nutrition - Food security and sustainability of agro-ecosystems. pp 516-517. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, ISBN 0-7923-7105-4.
  • OIKEH, S.O., HORST, W.J. (2001): Agro-physiological responses of tropical maize cultivars to nitrogen fertilisation in the moist savanna of West Africa.In Horst, W.J. et al. (eds) Plant Nutrition - Food security and sustainability of agro-ecosystems. pp 804-805. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, ISBN 0-7923-7105-4.
  • SIVAGURU, M., HORST, W.J., SCHMOHL, N., YANG, Z., MATSUMOTO, H. (2001): Aluminium inhibits the apoplastic solute by-pass-flow in Zea mays L.In Horst, W.J. et al (eds) Plant Nutrition - Food security and sustainability of agro-ecosystems. pp 260-261. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, ISBN 0-7923-7105-4.
  • THE, C., CALBA, H., HORST, W.J., ZONKENG, C. (2001): Three years performance of a tolerant and a susceptible maize cultivar on non-amended and amended acid soil.In Horst, W.J. et al (eds) Plant Nutrition - Food security and sustainability of agro-ecosystems. pp 984-985. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, ISBN 0-7923-7105-4.
  • WIESLER, F., BEHRENS, T., HORST, W.J. (2001): Nitrogen efficiency of contrasting rape ideotypes.In Horst, W.J. et al (eds) Plant Nutrition - Food security and sustainability of agro-ecosystems. pp 60-61. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, ISBN 0-7923-7105-4.
  • WIESLER, F., BEHRENS, T., HORST, W.J. (2001): Die Nutzung von Sortenunterschieden in der Stickstoffeffizienz - Ein Beitrag zur Nachhaltigkeit der Pflanzenproduktion. Kongreßband 2000, VDLUFA-Schriftenreihe 55/2000, 157-163.
  • BEHRENS, T., WIESLER, F., HORST, W.J. (2000): Die Bedeutung von Blattverlusten während der reproduktiven Wachstumsphase für die Ertragsbildung und N-Bilanz von Winterrapssorten. VDLUFA-Schriftenreihe 55/2000. (in press).
  • COLLET, L., DE LEON, C., HORST, W.J. (2000): Screening maize for adaptation to acid aluminium-toxic soils of Colombia. Proceedings, Deutscher Tropentag 2000, University of Hohenheim, Session III, WG 3.
  • HEUBERGER, H. T., KLING, J. G., HORST, W.J. (2000): Contribution of N uptake and morphological root characteristics to N efficiency in tropical maize cultivars. Proceedings, Deutscher Tropentag 2000, University of Hohenheim, Session III, WG 3.
  • HORST, W.J. (2000): Fitting maize into sustainable cropping systems on acid soils of the tropics. IAEA-TECDOC-1159, ISSN 1011-4289, 47-59.
  • HORST, W.J., GEIGER, R., OETTLER, G., WIETHöLTER, S., YANG, Z.M., GEIGER, H.H. (2000): Anpassung von Triticale an saure Böden durch Selektion auf Al-Resistenz. Vort. Pflanzenzüchtung 49, 89-98.
  • OIKEH, S.O. , CARSKY, R.S., KLING, J.G., CHUDE, V.O , HORST, W.J. (2000): Responses of N-use efficient and N-inefficient maize and traditional grain sorghum to nitrogen in the northern Guinea savanna of Nigeria.In B. Badu-Apraku, M.A.B. Fakorede, M. Ouedraogo and R.J. Carsky (eds) Impact, challenges and prospects of maize research and development in West and central Africa. pp 236-247. IITA, Proceedings of a Regional Maize Workshop 4-7 May, 1999, IITA-Cotonou, Benin Republic.
  • WIESLER, F., BEHRENS, T., HORST, W.J. (2000): Die Nutzung von Sortenunterschieden in der Stickstoffeffizienz - Ein Beitrag zur Nachhaltigkeit der Pflanzenproduktion. VDLUFA-Schriftenreihe 55/2000 (in press).
  • HORST, W.J., MAIER. P. (1999): Compartmentation of manganese in the vacuoles and in the apoplast of leaves in relation to genotypic manganese leaf-tissue tolerance in Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.In: Gissel-Nielsen, G. and Jensen, A. (eds) Plant Nutrition - Moledular Biology and Genetics. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Doerdrecht, The Netherlands, ISBN 0-7923-5716-7, 223-234.
  • MAIER, P., LEUTUNG, J., HORST, W.J. (1999): Stickstoff erhöht die Knickanfälligkeit. Einfluß der N-Ernährung auf die Haltbarkeit von Gerbera-Blüten. Gärtnerbörse 13/99, 22-25.
  • Maier, P., Leutung, J., Horst, W.J. (1999): (1999): Einfluß der N-Ernährung auf die Haltbarkeit von Gerberablüten (Stickstoff erhöht Knickanfälligkeit). Gärtnerbörse 13, 22-25
  • WIESLER, F., BEHRENS, T., HORST, W.J. , (1999): Einfluß von Höhe, Zeitpunkt und Form der Stickstoffdüngung sowie der Soorte auf die Ertragsbildung und die N-Flächenbilanz bei Winterraps. Kongreßband 1999, VDLUFA-Schriftenreihe 52/1999, 171-174.
  • EITHMANN, , SCHNACK, H., HORST, W.J. (1998): Blaufärbung von Hortensien. DeGa 13/1998, 25-27.
  • Horst, W.J. (1998): Praxisnahe Forschungsschwerpunkte zu Pflanzenernährung und Düngung im Institut für Pflanzenernährung, Universität Hannover.Tagung BAD/VLK 1998, Forschung als Grundlage der Düngeberatung
  • HORST, W.J., KAMH, M. (1998): Mobilization of soil and fertilizer phosphate by cover crops. Proceedings World Congress of Soil Sciece 1998, Montpellier, France. Symposium 43, Reg. No. 531
  • KAMH, M. , HORST, W.J., AMER, F., MOSTAFA, H. (1998): Exudation of organic anions by white lupin (Lupinus albus L.) and their role in phosphate mobilization from soil.In Merbach,W. (ed.): ™kolophysiologie des Wurzelraumes Nr. 8, B.G. Teubner Verlagsgesellschaft, Stuttgart. ISBN 3-8154-3509-9, 238-245.
  • KAMH, M. , Horst, W.J., CHUDE, V.O. (1998): Mobilization of soil and fertilizer phosphate by cover crops.In Merbach,W. (ed.): ™kolophysiologie des Wurzelraumes Nr. 8, B.G. Teubner Verlagsgesellschaft, Stuttgart. ISBN 3-8154-3509-9, 167-170.
  • NAUMANN, A. , HORST, W.J. (1998): Blaue Hortensien bei höheren pH-Werten. DeGa 13/1998, 22-24.
  • OETTLER, G., WIETHLTER, S., HORST, W.J. (1998): Genetic variation for yield and other agronomic traits of triticale grown on an acid, aluminium-toxic soil in Southern Brasil.In Juskiw, P. and Dyson, C. (eds): Proceedings of the 4th International Triticale Symposium Volume 1, Oral Presentations, Alberta, Canada.International Triticale Association. ISBN 0-9585592-0-1, 267-272.
  • WIESLER, F., HORST, W.J. (1998): Integrated strategies to improve soil and fertilizer N efficiency.In Alt, Ch., Kage, H., Stützel, H. (eds) Workshop Nitrogen use efficiency in intensive cropping systems, Hannover, Germany, 1998, 60-63.
  • HORST, W.J. (1997): Exploiting genotypic differences in nutrient efficiency for sustainable agricultural systems. Proceedings FAO/OIEA Seminario Regional Para America Latina, CENA, Piracicaba, Brasil. IAEA-SR-203/1, 11-12.
  • HORST, W.J., WEITHMANN, M. (1997): Blaufärbung, Grundlagen.In: Hortensien, L. Jennerich (ed.),Thalacker Medien, Bernhard Thalacker Verlag, Braunschweig. ISBN 3-87815-077-6, 42-46.
  • OETTLER, G., GEIGER, R., WIETH™LTER, S., GAUS, C.S., HESEMANN, C.-U., HORST, W.J. (1997): Methodische und genetische Untersuchungen zur Aluminiumtoleranz von Triticale.In: Vorträge für Pflanzenzüchtung. Universität Hohenheim. Forschungsschwerpunkt Biotechnologie und Pflanzenzüchtung. Saatgut-Treuhandverwaltungs GmbH. ISSB 0723-7812, 41-56.
  • REIDENBACH, G., HORST, W.J. (1997): Nitrate-uptake capacity of different root zones of Zea Mays (L.) in vitro and in situ.Plant Soil 196, 295-300.
  • WEITHMANN, M., HORST, W.J. (1997): Blaufärbung, Umsetzung in die Praxis.In: Hortensien, L. Jennerich (ed.),Thalacker Medien, Bernhard Thalacker Verlag, Braunschweig. ISBN 3-87815-077-6, 47-58.
  • HEUBERGER, H., KLING, J.G., HORST,W.J. (1996): Effect of root growth characteristics on nitrogen use efficiency of tropical maize (Zea Mays L.) varieties.In Proceedings of the 4th Eastern and Southern African Regional Maize Conference, Harare, 1994, 44-48.
  • HORST, W.J., WIESLER, F., ABDOU, M. (1996): Genotypic differences in aquisition and utilization of phosphorus in wheat.In: IAEA, Isotope studies on plant productivity. IAEA-Tecdoc-889. ISN 1011-4289, 73-87.
  • Kling, J.G., Oikeh, S.O., Akintoye, H.A., Heuberger, H.T., Horst, W.J. (1996): Potential for developing nitrogen use efficent maize for low input agricultural systems in the moist savannas of africa. Proceedings of a Symposium - Developing Drought- and Low N-Tolerant Maize; Cimmyt, El Batán, Mexico, Breeding for Toleranze, 490-501
  • OIKEH, S.O. , CHUDE, V.O., WEBER, G.K., CARSKY, R.S., HORST, W.J. (1996): Rotation effects of two legume species and maize on soil chemical properties in a moist tropical savanna. Paper presented at the 3rd All African Soil Science Conference, Ibadan, Nigeria, 1995.
  • REIDENBACH, G., HORST, W.J. (1996): Diurnal rythm of nitrate and phosphate uptake-rates of different root zone of maize (Zea mays L.) as influenced by light intensity.In: Transactions of the 9th Nitrogen Workshop, Technische Universität Braunschweig. September 1996, 441-444.
  • REIDENBACH,G. , HORST,W.J. (1996): Nitrat- und Phosphataufnahmeraten verschiedener Wurzelzonen von Mais in Abhängigkeit von Wurzelalter und Kohlenhydratstatus der Pflanzen.In Merbach,W. (ed.): ™kologie des Wurzelraumes Nr. 6, ZALF, Müncheberg, 147-154.
  • WIESLER, F., HORST, W.J. , VETTER, R. (1996): Yield formation and nitrogen use-efficiency of maize as affected by technique and time of N application - field and greenhouse studies.In: Transactions of the 9th Nitrogen Workshop, Technische Universität Braunschweig. September 1996, 457-460.
  • HORST, W. J. (1995): Efficiency of soil-nutrient use in intercropping systems.In A. Sinoquet and P. Cruz (eds.) Ecophysiology of tropical intercropping. InRA, Paris . ISBN 2-7380-0603-5, 197-211.
  • HORST, W. J., KÜHNE, R., KANG, B. T. (1995): Nutrient use in Leucena leucocephala and Cajanus cajan in Maize/Cassava alley cropping on Terre de Barre, Benin Republic.In: Kang, B. T. Osiname, A. O. Larbi, A. (eds.) Alley farming research and development, Proceedings of the International Conference on Alley Farming, Ibadan, Nigeria, 1992, AFNETA, Ibadan, Nigeria, 122-126
  • MIETKOWSKI, C., HORST, W.J. (1995): Steuerung der Boden-Stickstoffdynamik nach Rotationsbrache. Mittl. Dt. Bodenk. Ges. 76, 891-894.
  • REIDENBACH, G. , HORST, W-J. (1995): Bedeutung verschiedener Wurzelzonen für die Nitrataufnahmerate bei Mais (Zea mays L.). VDLUFA-Kongreßband 1995, 121-124.
  • WEITHMANN, M., ZÖLL, M., HORST, W. J. (1995): Blaufärbung von Hortensien. Deutscher Gartenbau 2, 92 - 96.
  • WISSEMEIER, A. H., PÜSCHEL, A., HORST,W. J. (1995): Brakteenrandnekrosen bei Poinsettien: Sind Sauerstoffradikale beteiligt ? Dt. Gartenbau 49, 1245-1246.
  • HORST, W. J. (1994): Die Bedeutung des Apoplasten für Aluminium-Toleranz und Aluminium-Resistenz höherer Pflanzen. Wiss. Koll. Humboldt-Universität Berlin, Oktober 1994, 60-85.
  • MIETKOWSKI, CH., HORST, W. J. (1994): N-Dynamik und Nutzung des N-Angebotes des Bodens durch Folgekulturen nach Grünbrache-Umbruch. VDLUFA-Kongreßband 1994, 135-138.
  • WEITHMANN, M., HOYER, S., HORST, W. J. , (1994): So werden Hortensien blau. Deutscher Gartenbau 48, 1579-1581.
  • WIESLER, F., SEGGER, U. , HORST, W.J. (1994): Einfluß der N-Form und der Höhe des N-Angebotes in verschiedenen Entwicklungsabschnitten auf Wachstum und Ertrag von ™llein. VDLUFA-Kongreßband 1994, 119-126.
  • HORST, W. J., ABDOU, M., WIESLER, F.: , (1993): Genotypic differences in phosphorus efficiency of wheat. N.J. Barrow (ed.) Plant Nutrition - from genetic engineering to field practice, 367-370, Kluwer Acad. Publ.
  • HORST, W. J., GRAUER, U., WILD-HALLEN, M., Z™LL, M. (1993): Einfluß von Aluminiumgaben auf das Blau der Hortensien. Gartenbaumagazin 5, 64-67.
  • HORST, W. J., WIESLER, F. (1993): Vergleich von Bohrkernmethode und Rhizoskopmethode zur Ermittlung der Wurzelentwicklung von Mais. Mitteilg. Dt. Bodenk. Ges. 72, 807-810.
  • WEINHOLD, F., WISSEMEIER, A., HORST W., HENDRIKS, L. (1993): Brakteen-Randnekrosen - Physiologischer Calciummangel. Gb+Gw 25, 1170-1173.
  • WISSEMEIER, A. H., PÜSCHEL, A. K., PAULKE, C., HORST (1993): Scheuerflecken bei Poinsettien. Deutscher Gartenbau 43, 2734-2735.
  • HORST, W. J. (1992): Cropping systems and their effect on sustained soil productivity in the tropics. Göttinger Beiträge zur Land- und Forstwirtschaft in den Tropen und Subtropen. Heft 71, 243-268. ISBN 3-88452-727-4.
  • HORST, W. J. (1992): Nährstoffdynamik in Böden arider Klimate und Anpassung der Pflanzen an diese Bedingungen. 'Proc. Egypto- German Seminar ''Environm. and cultural aspects of fertilizer use'', 25-28 Nov.1991, Cairo, Ed. M.M.El-Fouly, 207-244.'
  • HORST, W. J., WISSEMEIER, A. H., WEINHOLD, F., MANTAY, I. (1992): Hohe Lichtintensität fördert Brakteen-Randnekrosen. Dt. Gartenbau 51/52 , 3080-3081.
  • WIESLER,F., HORST, W. J. (1992): Beziehungen zwischen Wurzel- und Sproßwachstum von zwei Sommerweizensorten bei variiertem P-Angebot.In Merbach,W. (ed.): ™kologie des Wurzelraumes, Institut für ™kophysiologie der Primärproduktion, ZALF, Müncheberg, 17-.20.
  • WISSEMEIER, H., WEINHOLD, F., HORST, W. J. , (1992): Brakteenschäden bei Poinsettien. Gb+Gw 51, 2472.
  • HORST, W. J. (1991): Manganese nutrition of crops.In: El-Fouly, M.M., FAWZI, A.F.A. (eds.), Proceedings of Jordan-Egyption Workshop: Micronutrients in Soil and Plant 1989, Amman, Jordan, 31-62.
  • HORST, W. J., ASHER, C. J., CAKMAK, I., SZULKIEWICZ, P., WISSEMEIER, A. H. (1991): Short-term responses of soybean roots to aluminium.In Wright, R. J., Baligar, V. C., Murrmann, R. P. (eds.): Plant-Soil Interactions at low pH. Kluwer Acad. Publ., NL, 733-739.
  • WIESLER, F., W. J. HORST (1991): Bedeutung des Wurzelwachstums für die Nitratausnutzung von Maissorten.In Merbach, W.,Augustin, J., Meyerhöfer, K. ™kophysiologie des Wurzelraumes, Forschungszentrum für Bodenfruchtbarkeit Müncheberg, 50-53.
  • WIESLER, F., W. J. HORST (1991): Wurzelwachstum und Nutzung des Nitratangebotes bei Maissorten. Mittl. Dt. Bodenk. Ges. 66, II, 753-756.
  • HORST, W. J., KLOTZ, F. (1990): Screening soybean for aluminium tolerance and adaption to acid soils. N. El Bassam et al.(Eds): Genetic aspects of plant mineral nutrition, 355-360,Kluwer Acad. Publ., The Netherlands.
  • HORST, W. J., WIESLER, F., HÄRDTER, R., ISOKEIT, U. (1990): Rooting patterns of maize and winter wheat cultivars in relation to subsoil nitrogen utilization. ESA First Congr. Paris, 3 P0 01.
  • HORST, W. J., WIESLER, F., ISOKEIT, U. (1990): Genotypische Unterschiede in der Nutzung des Stickstoffangebotes des Bodens bei Mais. Ein Beitrag zur Verminderung der Nitratauswaschung ? VDLUFA-Schriftenreihe 30,Kongreßband 1990, Bayreuth, 149-154.1.
  • KÜHNE, R., HORST, W.J. (1990): Nutrient balance in maize/ cassava alley cropping systems on ''Terre de Barre'' in Southern Benin.ESA First Congr. Paris, 5 P0 14.
  • HÄRDTER, R., HORST, W. J. (1989): Nutzung des Stickstoff-Angebotes durch Mais in Abhängigkeit von der Vorfrucht auf einem Luvisol in Nordghana. Mitt. Dt. Bodenk. Ges. 59/II, 717-720.
  • HORST, W. J. , WIESLER, F. (1987): Genotypische Unterschiede in den Ansprüchen an das Phosphatangebot bei Sommerweizen. VDLUFA-Schriftenreihe 20, 175-190.
  • HORST, W. J. (1986): Umweltgerechte Düngung.Informationen für die Landwirtschaftsberatung in Baden-Württemberg Nr. 6, 41-58.
  • HORST, W. J. , MARSCHNER, H. (1986): Pflanzenernährung und Düngung.In: Caesar, K. Einführung in den tropischen und subtropischen Pflanzenbau. DLG-Verlag, Frankfurt, 101-118.
  • HORST, W. J. , WASCHKIES, CH. (1986): Verbesserung der Phosphatversorgung von Sommerweizen durch Anbau von Weißer Lupine auf einem Boden mit niedriger Phosphorverfügbarkeit. VDLUFA-Schriftreihe 16, 179-183.
  • HORST, W. J. (1982): Factors responsible for genotypical manganese tolerance in cowpea (Vigna unguiculata).In: Saric, M.R. Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Genetic Specificity of mineral nutrition of plants. Beograd, 99-104.
  • HORST, W. J., WAGNER, A. , MARSCHNER, H. (1982): Mucilage protects root meristem from aluminium injury.In: Scaife, A. Plant Nutrition 1982, Proceedings of the Ninth International Plant Nutrition Colloquium, 238-243.
  • HORST, W. J. (1981): Belasten Düngemittel die Umwelt ?In: Ministerium für Landwirtschaft, Weinbau und Forsten Rheinland-Pfalz. Vorträge des 18.Landwirtschaftlichen Hochschultages, 5-33.
  • HORST, W. J. (1980): Genotypische Unterschiede in der Aluminium- und Mangan-Toleranz von Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) und Sojabohne (Glycine max.) - Entwicklung von Screening-Verfahren - Habilitationsschrift. Fakultät Agrarwissenschaften I, Universität Hohenheim.

Bücher und Bücherbeiträge

  • Zhong-Bao Yang and Walter J. Horst (2015): Aluminum-Induced Inhibition of Root Growth: Roles of Cell Wall Assembly, Structure, and Function. S.K. Panda, F. Baluska (eds.), Aluminum Stress Adaptation in Plants, Signaling and Communication in Plants 24, 253-274
    DOI: DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-19968-9_13
  • STAß, A., HORST, W.J. (2009): Chemistry, Biochemistry, and Biology of (1,3) Beta Glucans and Related Polysaccharides.In Bacic, A., B. Fincher, G.B., Stone, B.A. (eds), IS. Academic Press. ISBN-13: 978-0-12-373971-1.
  • SATTELMACHER , B., HORST, W.J. (2007): The apoplast of higher plants: compartment of storage, transport, and reactions.Springer Verlag, Berlin, 457 p. ISBN: 978-1-4020-5842-4.
  • HORST W.J., ETICHA, D., KAMH, M., WANG, Y., STIVAL da SILVA, A.L. , STASS, A. (2006): Identification and characterization of aluminium-resistant, phosphorus-efficient plant genotypes adapted to tropical acid soils. In: International Atomic Energy Agency (2006): Management practices for improving sustainable crop production in tropical acid soils. Proceedings Series. IAEA, STI/PUB/1285, pp 111-135.
  • HORST, W.J., KAMH, M. (2004): Agronomic-bases technologies towards more ecological use of phosphorus in agriculture. In Valsami-Jones, E. (ed). pp 608-626. Phosphorus in Environmental Technology: Principles and applications. IWA Publishing. ISBN 1-84339-001-9.
  • HORST, W.J., STAß, A., FECHT-CHRISTOFFERS, M.M. (2004): Mineral element toxicities: aluminum and manganese. In Hock, B. Elstner, E.F. (eds) pp 225-245. Plant toxicology. Marcel Dekker, New York, USA.. ISBN 0-8247-5323-2.
  • HORST, W.J. et al., (eds) (2002): Progress in Plant Nutrition.Plenary Lectures of the XIV International Plant Nutrition Colloquium - Food security and sustainability of agro-ecosystems through basis and applied research. 188 pp. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, ISBN 0-4020-1067-7.
  • HORST, W.J. et al. (eds) (2001): Plant Nutrition - Food security and sustainability of agro-ecosystems.1043 pp. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, ISBN 0-7923-7105-4.
  • Wissemeier, A.H., Horst, W.J. (1988): Callose deposits as novel manganese toxicity symptom. In: International Symposium on Manganese in Soils and Plants: Contributed papers. 61-62, Webb, M.J., Nable, R.O., Graham, R.D., Hannam, R.J. (eds.). Manganese Symposium 1988 Inc., Adelaide, Australia.


  • Horst, W.J. (1980): Genotypical differences in the aluminium und manganese tolerance of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) and soybean (Glycine max) Universität Hohenheim


  • HORST, W. (1976): Einfluß von Silizium auf die Mangan-Toleranz von Buschbohnen (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Dissertation Nr. 59 der TU Berlin.

Poster und Vorträge

  • Horst, WJ, Köslin-Findeklee, F (2014): Genotypic differences in nitrogen efficiency of winter oilseed-rape (Brassica napus L.).International Conference of the German Society of Plant Nutrition 2014. From basic understanding to better crops. 10.-12. September 2014 in Halle
  • HORST, W.J. (2013): The multifaceted challenges of Plant Nutrition., International Plant Nutrition Colloquium (IPNC) 18. – 22. August 2013, Istanbul, Opening Plenary Presentation


  • J€NISCH, Swantje (2007): Düngung von Hortensien (Hydrangea macrophylla) mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Blaufärbung.